Monday, July 13, 2009

Julie & Julia

So tonight I went with the girls to see a sneak preview of the new movie Julie & Julia which is about two women, Julie Powell and Julia Child, two separate lives in two different times. Meryl Streep plays Julia Child, well known cook and Amy Adams played Julie who wrote a book on her experience cooking 534 of Julia's recipes in 1 year.

Dave knew I wanted to go to this movie so badly, so I was thrilled to go to the sneak showing as the actual film doesn't come out until August 7th. I wanted to see it primarily because of how it relates to my own life: I blog. I cook. However, even not blogging or cooking, you could thoroughly enjoy this movie because 1. it's two true stories and 2. it's inspirational and 3. you get to see a lot of mouth watering food, quite similar to the Food Network!

I saw 'The Proposal' last week and it was "eh, Okay" but this, THIS WAS a lot better! I laughed through the whole thing because both Meryl and Amy had their funny moments playing the J's! Meryl did such a great job as Julia. She had the voice down, her love of food and Julia's care free attitude. Amy made me laugh as she was blogging because I think similar things - like, who is even reading this? lol.

I think that now I will have to read the book for the pure reason that I know I will enjoy it after seeing the movie AND the cover features a "whisky" (the chick) and I use my lil whisky nightly when doing dressings for our dinner salads! It's in the top 3 of my most frequently used/can't live without, cooking tools!


  1. Glad you liked it! It's on my must see list

  2. loved it loved it loved it!!! really on the "whisky"?? guess I need to get one of those!

  3. yes, definitely a MUST SEE! I might even purchase ;) Krog, you NEED a whisky. It sits upright too!
