Dad and Shirley hosted a Stock the Bar/Meet the Groom shower in High Point at the String and Splinter Club on Saturday evening! It was a great party... they had a florist do wonders with sunflower arrangements - there was great food that included a delicious mint/watermelon/feta appetizer - and they have a pianist with a great collection of songs! It was great to see our High Point friends and have them meet my groom! We got really fun gifts and great alcohol to help 'stock our bar'! Dad and Shirley gave us a Cuisinart wine cooler-realy fun!! Once we got home from the party, Dad lit his tribute to Dave and I on their patio which was a D and E in candles! Really neat! He also showed us how you can view the stars on his Ipad - really cool. PS. I loved my bubble dress but in photos, it definitely adds on the pounds - grrrr!
Love the "Stock the Bar Shower" idea, how wonderful. Merlot anyone :) Hope you had a great time...and your dress is awesome.