Thursday, October 24, 2013


So, I really don't have much to post this week. I feel like the week had just flown right by me! I forgot to mention that I had my post-op appointment last week and I got an A+ from my doctor on recovery - fshew! He did mention that he thinks I may have PCOS which is worrisome but at the same time would explain a lot of things... mainly, weight gain! So I have been trying to stay away from carbs. I was eating them at every meal and now have whiddled it down to just dinner with an occasional serving of rice or corn chips on my chili - ha! Speaking of chili - BRR is it EVER COLD HERE TODAY! Whoa, I woke up and it kinda smacked me in the face! Needless to say we turned on our fire place AND the heat this week! I cannot believe that it is almost November - and before we know it it will be Christmas! At least now Dave and I have our pumpkins and mums out so we have admitted to ourselves that it is almost Halloween. I love Halloween in our neighborhood. Dave and I, and any friends of ours that want to join us, sit on our front porch, booze it up, eat soup, and hand out candy to the kiddos. It's a good time. And yes we are those people that go in when it gets late because guess what, if you're trick or treating past 8:30, you're too old to be trick or treating. Just sayin'. Okay, that's all for today! :)

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